Hubba Bubba (a bubblegum targeted at young people and the young at heart) relaunched in 2012 as the newer "chunkier and bubblier" version of itself, re-awakening the nations passion for bubblegum. I designed the POS materials (for trade and consumer) and internal e-mailers.
Cute and quirky animal characters with humorous speech 'bubbles' were used to engage younger members of the public. An important part of the consumer POS was to push traffic to Hubba Bubba's new Facebook page. Increasing brand awareness and inviting customers to join in an online caption contest. This could then be shared on their walls and forwarded to friends.
The Trade POS had a simpler message to "Boost your sales" with the new chunkier and bubblier Hubba Bubba.
Cute and quirky animal characters with humorous speech 'bubbles' were used to engage younger members of the public. An important part of the consumer POS was to push traffic to Hubba Bubba's new Facebook page. Increasing brand awareness and inviting customers to join in an online caption contest. This could then be shared on their walls and forwarded to friends.
The Trade POS had a simpler message to "Boost your sales" with the new chunkier and bubblier Hubba Bubba.