Concepting, design and illustration of Red Nose Day 2017 schools fundraising packs. Including Nursery, Primary and Secondary materials. Shown here are the Nursery pack materials, showcasing the illustrated educational story-time poster for nurseries, depicting a story of a child called Haja who lives in Sierra Leone, whom with the help of Comic Relief is now living a happier more stable life. This poster is included in the pack along with many other helpful event and sponsorship materials, so that schools and nurseries can participate in fundraising for Comic Relief as well as building it into their teaching curriculum.
Also shown below are the individual illustrations for nursery, primary and secondary school downloadable PDF materials for teachers lesson plans. Each footer of the PDFs depict the real stories of some of the families that have been helped through Comic Relief funding. 45,000 primary school and nursery packs were ordered for Red Nose Day 2017.